What we teach

Wing Chun Kung Fu / San Sao
Kung Fu in its entirety has many life-enhancing properties. From strengthening your body and mind to easing pain and releasing stress. Kung fu is an all-encompassing life-affirming skill.
Kung fu literally translates to "a skill acquired through dedication" and it is that dedication that enhances life itself.
Wing Chun kung fu is a fighting system from southern China developed in the 16th century. It is famous for it's dynamic and explosive close quarter techniques but it can easily work at any range. Recently it has been made popular by the films of Bruce Lee's mentor Ip Man and it is Ip Mans Wing Chun that we teach here at the SCBA. I have been teaching traditional Wing Chun kung fu in the South of England since 1997. Trained by one of the best fighting Wing Chun masters in the world (sifu Brian Desir) and a lifetime member of the Ip Chun Wing Chun association. I have a true passion for personal development and a real commitment to helping individuals reach their full potential. I have dedicated myself to building a system of classes and workshops designed to motivate, teach and guide the individual along their journey of self-development.
We teach authentic Wing Chun backed up with San Sao elements (Chinese boxing) and teach how it can be used for both competition and street defense.
"Chinese boxing is the generic term for Chinese fighting styles, more recently it has been adopted to represent the competition aspect of Chinese martial arts. Sometimes referred to in a competitive format as San Sao (separate hands)"